Application of DKI and IVIM in staging of hepatic fibrosis
YANLI JIANG1, Jie Zou1, FengXian Fan1, Yuping Bai1, Jing Zhang1, and Shaoyu Wang2
1Department of Magnetic Resonance, LanZhou University Second Hospital, LanZhou, China, 2MR Scientific Marketing, Siemens Healthineers, Shanghai, China
Our study evaluated the relationship between IVIM-DKI diffusion models and clinical-pathologic to assess their diagnostic accuracy for staging of hepatic fibrosis. We recommended the DKI model in MRI to stage the hepatic fibrosis.
Figure 1. Examples of placement of regions of interest (ROIs) on MD map(a), MK map(b), D map (d), PD map (e), f map(f)
Figure 2. The Pearson rank correlation analysis shows a negative correlation between the MD values and the Fibroscan (r=-0.452 , P=0.016)