Dephasing the speaking brain: Cleaning covert sentence production activation maps with a phase-based fMRI data analysis
Iñigo De Vicente1, Eneko Uruñuela1, Maite Termenon1, and César Caballero-Gaudes1
1BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
We demonstrate that part of the activations in Broca’s area during sentence production is biased towards macrovascular veins contained in the Sylvian fissure. The contributions from large draining veins can be efficiently reduced with an fMRI phase-based denoising.
Figure 5: A) Sagittal slice showing activations from a representative subject at the left pars orbitalis. The activation maps correspond to: (left) RAW analysis, (middle) OLS phase-based denoising, (right) ODR phase-based denoising. B) Group-level effects of denoising in the activation maps at the left pars orbitalis. The maps depict significant differences using a mixed effects model between the analysis approaches: (top) RAW vs. ODR, (middle) RAW vs. OLS, (bottom) OLS vs. ODR.
Figure 3: R2 maps of both OLS and ODR fitting methods, and magnitude (HPF 0.25 Hz) temporal standard deviation (tSTD) map shown in the sagittal plane for a representative subject. The overlaid mask in green indicates the segmented veins from the T1w/T2w ratio images.