Optimization and Evaluation of Super-Resolution SMS ASL with Slice-Dithered Enhanced Resolution (SLIDER) technique
Qinyang Shou1, Xingfeng Shao1, and Danny JJ Wang1
1Laboratory of Functional MRI Technology (LOFT), Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We optimized and evaluated super-resolution perfusion imaging using SLIDER SMS ASL. A greater number of shifted slices is beneficial for SNR efficiency, at the cost of increased slice blurring.
Figure 1: SLIDER acquisition scheme. (a) SMS-EPI pCASL acquisition sequence for each set of low-resolution images, with constrained slice dependent background suppression. (b)Acquisition scheme for SLIDER2, SLIDER3 and SLIDER4, different number of scans with slice shift are needed, 2 for SLIDER2, 3 for SLIDER3 and 4 for SLIDER4. Then high-resolution images can be reconstructed.
Figure2: SLIDER super-resolution reconstructed ASL images and high-resolution ASL images in the axial direction. The reconstructed images well follow the high-resolution images, with an improved SNR. The green and red boxes and corresponding zoomed images show two typical slices with SNR improvement.