Impact of the Acquisition Protocol on the Sensitivity to Demyelination and Axonal Loss of DKI and NODDI: A Simulation Study
Stefania Oliviero1 and Cosimo Del Gratta1
1Department of Neuroscience, Imaging, and Clinical Sciences, University of Chieti Pescara G. D'Annunzio, Chieti, Italy
DKI metrics significantly changed with axonal loss but not with demyelination, while NODDI metrics showed sensitivity to both damage processes. In any case, the sequence strongly affected the sensitivity and, especially for NODDI, the metric means.
Fig 2 Results for the Neurite Density Index NDI (i.e. the NODDI-derived intra-cellular fractional volume), using 6 different acquisition protocols. In a and b, NDI mean values and standard deviations obtained in different conditions of demyelination and axonal loss, respectively, considering a Rician noise with SNR=20 affects the synthetic DW signal. For reference, some specific combinations of the true intra-axonal volume fraction AVF and true intra-myelin volume fraction MVF are also shown.
Metrics AD, MD, RD, and FA are DTI-derived; AK, MK, RK, and KFA are DKI-derived, while neurite density index NDI, fractional volume of the isotropic compartment νiso, fractional volume νic of the intra-cellular space, and orientation dispersion index ODI are NODDI-derived. Omitted results (-) refer to parameters showing non-significant changes between healthy and damaged condition (one-way ANOVA with p<0.01). NC means Not Calculated, since not all the sequences were used for all the DWI analyses.