Monaural auditory stimulation induces negative BOLD in the rat auditory pathway
Frederico Severo1, Rita Gil1, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisboa, Portugal
Our study shows that monaural auditory stimulation with broadband white noise induces consistent negative BOLD in prominent structures of the auditory pathway particularly in ipsilateral IC and contralateral striatum.
Fig3. Detrended time-courses of prominent auditory structures (mean ± s.e.m.) ROIs were manually drawn according to an atlas26 and time-courses were detrended with a polynomial fit to the resting periods. ICi and STc show clear negative responses with a sharp post stimulus overshoot.
Fig2. GLM maps show positive BOLD activation along the auditory pathway, Cochlear Nucleus (CNi), Contralateral Inferior Colliculus (ICc), Ventral Lateral Lemniscus (LLc)) and Medial Geniculate Body (MGBc), while Ipsilateral Inferior Colliculus (ICi) and Striatum (Stc) show negative responses. A minimum significance level of 0.001 (FDR corrected), minimum cluster size of 20 voxels was used, with an HRF peaking at 1s was convolved with the paradigm.