Detecting functional connectivity changes in a pig traumatic brain injury model using resting-state fMRI
Wenwu Sun1, Kelly M. Scheulin2, Sydney E. Sneed2, Madison M. Fagan2, Savannah R. Cheek2, Christina B. Welch2, Morgane E. Golan2, Frankin D. West2, and Qun Zhao1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Geogia, Athens, GA, United States
In this study, sDL and ICA were applied to resting-state fMRI data. Activation maps were generated using group ICA and group sDL, both with dual regression and permutation test. Consistency was observed through the two methods, indicating functional network activity changes after injury.
Figure 1: Representative slices for 6 RSNs in coronal (top), sagittal (mid) and axial (bottom) planes of an ICA trained permutation test result. Red color indicates voxels with increasing functional activities (D7>D1), while blue color indicates voxels with decreasing functional activities (D7<D1). Yellow represents the six corresponding RSN atlas.
Figure 3: Bar plots of the average of percentages of the significantly decreasing (blue, D7<D1) and significantly increasing (red, D7>D1) voxels in EX and DMN network and their selected subnetworks over 100 voxels for sDL and ICA results. EX4, EX6, DMN2, DMN3, DMN5 and DMN6 are not shown as these atlases did not contain enough voxels to reach significance.