Quantitative correlation of BMD and T2 using high-resolution CT and MRI imaging of rabbit knee joints.
Yang Xia1, Farid Badar1, and Sarah Salem1
1Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States
Correlated study of intact rabbit knee joints with the aid of high-resolution MRI and µCT. The combined multi-model study will aid in the understanding of the relationship between underlying bone-density changes and osteoarthritic cartilage in joint degeneration.
Two-dimensional high-resolution (isotropic) coronal view of (a) µMRI and (b) µCT image of the same slice of intact rabbit joint. The red ROIs signify the multiple locations to compare T2 with the corresponding BMD.
The µMRI T2 (ms) versus µCT BMD (g.cm3) linear curve of the Medial Tibia (MT) and Medial Femur (MF).