Eddy current correction for field probes mounted in a head coil
Jennifer Nussbaum1, Maria Engel1, and Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
When performing concurrent field monitoring with NMR field probes and a head coil, the field measurement can be corrupted by eddy currents on the head coil that are induced by the MR gradients. In this work, we provide a one-time calibration solution to correct for this issue.
EPI reconstructed with concurrent field monitoring (without SENSE and without B0 correction). Left: reconstructed using corrected probe signal for the trajectory calculation, middle: reconstructed without probe signal correction, right: difference image. The ghosts disappear when the concurrently monitored probe phases, used to calculate the trajectory, are corrected.
Phase correction of an x-gradient frequency swept pulse (20 mT/m). In the zoom it can be seen that the corrected signal (red) coincides with the signal that is measured in absence of the head coil (blue).