Gradient induced electric field within a shoulder cut-out gradient coil built for head and neck imaging.
Arjama A Halder1,2, Eric J Lessard1,2, William B Handler1, and Blaine A Chronik1,2
1xMR Labs, Physics and Astronomy, London, ON, Canada, 2Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Simulations to identify gradient induced electric field within a shoulder cut-out gradient coil from wire patterns are performed. The maximum electric field seen within the coil is less than 0.03 V/m at 1A.
Figure 3. The simulated electric field on the yz plane at the isocenter within the x and y axes coils with 1A of current flowing through the coil, a. showing the contribution from the x axis gradient coil and b. showing the contribution from the y axis coil.
Figure 2. The simulated electric field on the xy plane at the isocenter of both the x and y coil along a specific line with a. evaluated at the point shown in Figure 1a. and b. evaluated at the point shown in Figure 1b. with 1A of current flowing through the coil.