Can familial Alzheimer variability affect brain networks? Exploration through Osaka Ab variant inoculation in mice.
Marina Celestine1, Jean-Baptiste Pérot1, Muriel Jacquier-sarlin2, Karine Cambon1, Julien Flament1, Alain Buisson2, Anne-Sophie Hérard1, and Marc Dhenain1
1Université Paris-Saclay, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Molecular Imaging Research Center (MIRCen), Laboratoire des Maladies Neurodégénératives, Fontenay-aux-roses, France, 2University Grenoble Alpes, Inserm, U1216, Grenoble Institut Neurosciences (GIN), Grenoble, France
Exposition to Alzheimer's disease related-Aβ variant lead to memory impairment, brain connectivity alteration and decreased brain glutamate levels in transgenic mouse model.
Figure 2. Aβosa and Aβice induce seed-based analysis of connectivity changes amongst network. Whole-brain dictionary learning maps depicting 19 cortical and subcortical components found in 4 main networks (upper). Group differences seed-based connectivity pattern through components for inoculum site (dentate gyrus)(lower). Asterisk represents significant p-value (p<0.001) of the group difference in Fisher z-transformed correlation.
Figure 5. Decreased glutamate levels after Aβosa inoculation in APPswe/PS1de9 mice. a. GluCEST average signal evolution in APPice, APPosa and APPcontrol mice shows age-related modification detected in 9 mpi animals. They are rescued by Aβice inoculation. b. Variation maps of GluCEST at 4mpi (right). Variations was calculated in every region from the atlas. Colors represent hyposignal (blue) and hypersignal (red) comparing to control mice (*p<0.05).