A universal framework to build digital reference objects for evaluation of quantitative MRI analysis with multiple measurements
Henry Szu-Meng Chen1, Brian A Taylor1, Joshua P Yung1, Ping Hou1, R. Jason Stafford1, and Ho-Ling A Liu1
1Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
A proof-of-concept framework is shown for easily designing and generating digital reference objects that conforms with DICOM standard for testing quantitative MRI analysis.
Figure 3. Example of using the DRO from Figure 1c) in two different software (left, Software 1 and right, Software 2) to validate and compare their T2* analyses. A three parameter signal model was used to generate nine objects with logarithmically spaced T2* from 1 to 15 ms.
Figure 1. Flow chart of the framework for generating the DROs from phantom scans.