Cube set for the quantification of 3-dimensional spatial resolution in MR- micro imaging and microscopy (a = 128 - 4 µm) using 2-photon lithography
Andreas Georg Berg1,2, Stefan Hengsbach3, and Klaus Bade3
1Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering High field MR-Center, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2High-Field MR-Center (MRCE), Medical Universits of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Leopoldshafen-Eggenstein, Germany
Cube set for the measurement of spatial resolution for 3 different orthogonal spatial encodings, for preclinical and special High-Field human MR-scanners. The design features 3D-periodic structures (a=128µm - 4µm): manufacturing technology, prototype phantom, exemplary MR evaluation.
Fig. 1a Photographic image of the cube set on a carrier glass platelet. The set of cubes comprises periodic openings in the massive resist material in all of the 3 different spatial directions. Each cube is characterized by a decreasingly less spatial period for the evaluation of the spatial resolution ai = 128, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 16, 8, 4 µm (cf. fig. 1b right). Carrier layer: width/length [mm]: 2.8/7.
Fig. 2 High resolution sagittal image taken form the 3D-data set of a T2*w gradient-echo sequence (VS: 31x31x30 µm3, Mtx: 128x128x36). The grid structure of the cubes with spatial period a3/2 = 64 µm (leftmost) and a4/2=48 µm (2nd from left) can be clearly resolved. However the cavities in the cube a5/2 = 32 µm can hardly be observed any more. This cube is not resolved indicating spatial resolution worse than the nominal voxel size (≈30 µm). TR: 100 ms; TE: 7.8 ms; bw: 110 Hz/px.