Mapping apparent soma and neurite density in the in-vivo mouse brain using SANDI
Andrada Ianus1, Francisca F. Fernandes1, Joana Carvalho1, Cristina Chavarrias1, Marco Palombo2, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2University College London, London, United Kingdom
Measuring micro-architectural features is emerging as a frontier of diffusion MRI. This work maps apparent soma and neurite density via the SANDI methodology in the mouse brain in-vivo at 9.4T, showing consistency between animals, and the feasibility of shortening the acquisition protocol.
Figure 1a) b0 images and powder averaged data for different b-values (increasing from left to right) from one representative mouse. The SNR of b0 images is 15-25 in WM and 20-50 in GM. b) SANDI parameter maps revealing high soma signal fraction in GM, high neurite signal fraction in WM and high extracellular diffusivity (and signal fraction, not shown) in CSF. Apparent soma radius and intra neurite diffusivity show less contrast between WM and GM. c) 3D surface rendering of soma and neurite fraction obtained in ImageJ using a visualisation threshold of 0.4 and 0.2, respectively.
Figure 3 Histograms of a) SANDI and b) DKI parameters in different ROIs (left to right: cortex, striatum, thalamus, hippocampus, corpus callosum, internal capsule and CSF). Different rows represent different model parameters, and the colours reflect the 3 mice. An overlap of the parameter histograms is observed for most parameters and ROIs.