Evaluation of cardiac pre- and post-T1 maps registration for extracellular volume computation
Habib Rebbah1, Anaïs Bernard1, Julien Rouyer1, and Timothé Boutelier1
1Department of Research & Innovation, Olea Medical, La Ciotat, France
The myocardial ECV compute after the registration of pre- and post-injection was significantly different than the ECV obtained by manual segmentation of structures. However, the bias remained thin (<1%/3% for remote/infarct).
Registration result. The green contours and bars refer to the post-injection T1 map mask and the yellow one to the pre-T1 map mask. The second row presents the overlap (in red) of the masks before (1st column) and after (2nd column) Moco. The histogram plot shows the distribution of the pre-T1 values in the mask defined on the pre-T1 map before registration (yellow) and the distribution of the pre-T1 values in the mask defined on the post-T1 map after registration (green). HD: Hausdorff Distance.
Global results. The 1st row presents the results in term of ECV for the remote (left) and infarct part (right), and for manual computed ECV (blue) and registration-based computation of ECV (orange). The divergence plot shows the difference between the distribution of pre-T1 value of the myocardium before and after registration in term of L2 distance and Jeffrey’s divergence. The final plot represents the difference between manual and Moco ECV regarding the obtained Dice after registration.