3D wave Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for myocardial scar tissue characterization
Quentin Lebret1,2, Pierre Bour1,2, Valéry Ozenne1,2, Nestór Pallares-Lupon1,2, Richard Walton1,2, and Bruno Quesson1,2
1IHU Liryc, Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute, fondation Bordeaux Université, Pessac, France, 2Univ. Bordeaux, INSERM, Centre de recherche CardioThoracique de Bordeaux, U1045, Bordeaux, France
Using a combination of wave acquisitions and Poisson undersampling, we retrospectively subsampled images of a sheep heart by an acceleration factor of 4, and successfully reconstructed said images, opening the path to a fast high-resolution 3D LGE acquisition.
(a.) Fully sampled reconstruction compared to a 2x2 CAIPI scheme and a VD Poisson 4-fold retrospectively accelerated. The red arrow indicates the infarct. (b.) Relative error between the fully sampled and the accelerated data.

Sequence diagrams. Zoom in on the Trajectory Calibration Sequence (b.) and on the Wave sequence (c.).

a.) The sequence is triggered in diastole and respiratory gating was performed using an echo navigator played before data acquisition.

b.) The trajectories calibration module takes place during the first 25 seconds (4 averages are performed).

c.) The wave encoding gradients are applied during the readout, in both phase and slice directions. The slice encoding wave gradient starts ¼ of a cycle before the phase wave gradient.