Effect of encoding time on diffusion data in porous media
George Hutchinson1 and Penny Gowland1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Here we investigate and demonstrate the effect of changing the encoding time of flow measurements through a porous media, identifying a region of slow flow and much faster flow indicating percolation through the media, which vary with encoding time.
Figure 4 a),b) Raw diffusion data fitted using bi-exponential model for sponge 1 and 2 at the 5 different diffusion times. C),D) Maps of IVIM and Kurtosis parameters measured at a diffusion time of 23 ms separated into the two peaks observed on the flow data.
Figure 2 Phase histograms for both sponges, imaged at a VENC of ± 0.70 mm/s at 5 different diffusion times. Histogram plotted with blue bars, Gaussian fit is plotted with a red curve, peak 1 and 2 means indicated by vertical green and orange lines, respectively.