Non-invasive assessment of glycolytic and oxidative metabolism in mouse glioma using DGE 2H-MRS
Rui Vasco Simoes1, Rafael N Henriques1, Beatriz M Cardoso1, Francisca F Fernandes1, Jonas L Olesen2, Sune N Jespersen2, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and MINDLab, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Glycolytic and oxidative turnover rates of glucose can be measured in mouse gliomas with DGE-2H-MRS. MP-PCA denoising improves the time-course detection and quantification of glucose oxidation, which in turn demonstrates correlation with MRI features of heterogeneity in the tumor region.
Figure 2 – Improvement of DGE 2H-MRS spectral quality upon MP-PCA denoising. GL7: (A) T2-RARE showing the tumor region selected for DGE 2H-MRS (yellow dashed line); (B) SNRDHOi before and after denoising (average±SD); (C) left – eigenvalue spectrum from PCA decomposition (blue) and fit of MP distribution (orange), right – Gaussian distribution of denoising residuals, verified by the linearity of their logarithm; (D) DGE 2H-MRS data stacked, original and denoised, and spectral fitting including individual components, raw data, estimate and residual. * p=0.0003, paired t-Test.
Figure 3 – Robustness of the kinetic model for different tumors and improvement of Glx fitting with MP-PCA denoising. Tumor volumes selected for DGE 2H-MRS (yellow dashed line) overlaid on reference T2-RARE transversal images for each animal (GL5-9, top). Fitting of Glc (red line), Glx (green line) and Lac (blue line) time-course changes displayed, before (center) and after denoising (bottom).