Using GrOpt with Pulseq for Easy Prototyping of Pulse Sequences with Optimized Waveforms
Michael Loecher1,2, Judith Zimmerman1,3, Matthew J Middione1,2, and Daniel B Ennis1,2,4
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 3Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany, 4Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
The combination of two open-source MRI software packages is demonstrated: GrOpt for designing time optimal numerically optimized sequences, and Pulseq for easy generation of pulse sequences that run on a scanner.  Sequence development was demonstrated, and an example of PC-MRI is presented.
Figure 1: A) Shows a flowchart of the process for using GrOpt to build waveforms to enter into Pulseq. B) Shows how the system and hardware constraints are initially shared to initialize the GrOpt optimization and Pulseq limits in the code example.
Figure 3: Summary of designing PC-MRI sequence with GrOpt and Pulseq. A) Gives a code snippet of relevant portions of the sequence design code. Some initial gradient and RF creation omitted for space. B) Shows the waveform designed by GrOpt. C) Shows the PNS response of the B), where the PNS does not exceed the 0.8 limit imposed. The optimal design slews quickly before the PNS limit, then the slew rate derates accordingly. D) Shows two TRs of gradient waveforms as output by Pulseq, with the GrOpt bipolars played out in the z direction after slice select.