RIESLING: Radial Interstices Enable Speedy Low-volume Imaging
Tobias C Wood1, Emil Ljungberg1, and Florian Wiesinger2
1Neuroimaging, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2ASL Europe, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany
We present an image reconstruction toolbox tuned for 3D radial ZTE images named Radial Interstices Enable Speedy Low-volume imagING (RIESLING). RIESLING matches the image quality of existing toolboxes while enabling fast reconstructions of high resolution ZTE datasets.
Figure 4: Example RIESLING reconstruction of 3D radial IR-ZTE dataset. Comparison of the three reconstruction methods: root-sum-of-squares (RSS), CG-SENSE, and Total Generalised Variation (TGV) at two different acceleration levels relative to Nyquist sampling criterion.
Figure 1: Overview of the riesling toolbox including the riesling .h5 file format and the available tools.