A comparative study on MRI-based radiomics model selection for a high-risk cytogenetics prediction in multiple myeloma
jianfang liu1 and huishu yuan1
1peking university third hospital, beijing, China
The machine learning method of LR is superior to other classifier methods in assessing HRC status. Radiomics model based on combined sequences can be used to assess HRC status in patients with MM effectively.
Performance of classification with different machine learning methods. Heat map shows the AUC of classification with four classifiers in different imaging sequences. The heat map (located to the right of the entire image) illustrates that the darker the color, the higher the AUC. DT, decision tree; LR, logistic regression; RF, random forest; SVM, support vector machine; FS-T2, fat suppression-T2WI; T1, T1WI.
Performance of radiomics model based on different MRI sequences using LR classifier. Based on T1W sequence, FS-T2W sequence and combined sequences. AUC, area under curve; FS-T2WI, fat suppression-T2WI; T1, T1WI.