Diagnostic value of intro-voxel incoherent movement (IVIM) for infrapatellar fat pad high signal intensity in patient with osteoarthritis
Hui Tan1, Bin Wang1, Wulin Kang1, Nan Yu1, Yong Yu1, Shaoyu Wang2, Yue Li1, and Tuona Di1
1Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, China, 2Siemens Healthineers, Shanghai, China
IVIM parameters within T2FS-hyperintense infrapatellar fat pad regions in patients with osteoarthritis suggest an inflammatory pathogenesis in osteoarthritis.
Figure. A-C: A 62 years old female patient with OA, K/L score=1, VAS=15, WOMAC= 60. Representative sagital images T2FS (A), IVIM (B), and pseudo-color map of the IVIM (C). The ROI was drawn in the IPFP without T2FS-hyperintense regions in IVIM map. D-F: A 66 years old female patient with OA, K/L score =2, VAS= 22, WOMAC=79. Red arrow indicated T2FS-hyperintense region within IPFP on T2 map(D) and pseudo-color map of the IVIM (F), and high perfusion were depicted in red (F). The ROI was drawn in the T2FS-hyperintense region in IVIM map (E).