Automated image segmentation of prostate MR elastography by dense-like U-net.
Nader Aldoj1, Federico Biavati1, Sebastian Stober2, Marc Dewey1, Patrick Asbach1, and Ingolf Sack1
1Charité, Berlin, Germany, 2Ovgu Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
MR elastography maps can be used for prostate and zones segmentation due to the excellent segmentation results even when compared to the standard high-resolution T2w that is mostly used for anatomical segmentation. 
Figure 1: Segmentation examples of individual models: first column (A) shows the original image, second (B), third (C) and forth column (D) show masks of prostate, central and peripheral zones, respectively. Rows from top to bottom represents mag, c, phi maps, T2w, DWI, and ADC respectively.
Figure 2: Examples of segmentation results of the unified model: All segmented masks resulted from combining all mre maps as input, and the resulting masks were propagated to all other registered sequences. Columns A, B and C show masks of the prostate, CZ and PZ respectively. Top row is the mag images together with overlaid ground truth masks. The second row at the top to bottom show the predicted masks overlaid on mag, c, phi, T2w, DWI and ADC images respectively.