Rapid submillimeter high-resolution prostate T2 mapping with a deep learning constrained Compressed SENSE reconstruction
Masami Yoneyama1, Takashige Yoshida2, Jihun Kwon1, Kohei Yuda2, Yuki Furukawa2, Nobuo Kawauchi2, Johannes M Peeters3, and Marc Van Cauteren3
1Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, 3Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Compressed SENSE-AI clearly reduces noise artifacts and significantly improves the accuracy and robustness of T2 values in submillimeter high-resolution prostate ME-TSE T2mapping compared with conventional SENSE and C-SENSE techniques.
Figure 1. Representative T2 maps of ME-TSE T2 mapping with SENSE, C-SENSE and CS-AI. CS-AI significantly cleaned up the image noise.
Figure 3. Comparison of high-resolution T2 weighted image with CS-AI and proposed 0.7mm high-resolution ME-TSE T2 map with CS-AI.