Accelerated Spiral Turbo-Spin-Echo Sequence with Split Spiral In-out Acquisition
Xi Peng1, Daniel Borup2, and James Pipe1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Philips Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States
We accelerated a previous spiral-TSE method by a factor of 2 using a split spiral in-out acquisition strategy with reversed arm orderings to intrinsically compensate for the T2-decay induced artifacts and produce low-SAR and improved contrast for fast T2-weighted imaging in the brain.
Figure 3. Comparison between Cartesian TSE and Spiral TSE images at five representative slices. The total scan time were 4 min 30 sec, 3 min 48 sec and 1 min 54 sec respectively.
Figure 1. a) The spiral in-out trajectory used in TSE sequence; b) Illustration of reversed arm ordering for T2-decay compensation.