Effects of image quality deterioration and data shortage on automatic white matter bundle segmentation by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
Yuichi Suzuki1, Tsuyoshi Ueyama1, Takahiro Iwasaki1, Jiro Sato1, Hideyuki Iwanaga1, and Osamu Abe1
1Department of Radiology, THe University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

We investigated the effect of image quality deterioration and data shortage of DWI on automatic white matter bundle segmentation. There was almost no difference in bundle segmentation ability between SMS factors of 2 and 3. For MPG, 16 axes provided results comparable to the GS data (64 axes).

Fig.4. The left pyramidal tract (example) images of MPG comparison

Fiber bundles different from anatomical running were not visually observed under any conditions as well as SMS comparison.