PHYSICS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CLINICIANS Ballroom A Chairs: Frank R. Korosec and Joseph C. McGowan |
Objectives At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to: Describe the fundamental principles of MR imaging including the Larmor relationship, relaxation phenomena, and the role of magnetic field gradients in the signal encoding process; Name the components of the imaging system and describe their function in the imaging process; Explain imaging pulse sequences including those based on spin echoes and gradient echoes; Design MR imaging protocols for diagnostic applications considering image contrast, spatial resolution, acquisition time, signal-to-noise ratio, and artifacts; Describe the principles and capabilities of various MR techniques including perfusion and diffusion imaging, functional imaging, and cardiac imaging. |
16:30 Spin Gymnastics, Walter Kucharczyk and Donald B. Plewes. |
17:20 From Signal to Image, Marcus Alley. |
17:55 Hardware, Mitchell D. Schnall. |