Spectroscopy Localization and Imaging

Monday, 24 May 1999
Hall C
14:00 – 16:00

Chairs: Michael Garwood and Jeff H. Duyn

14:00 679. Scan Time Reduction in Spectroscopic Imaging using SENSE, U. Dydak, M. Weiger, K.P. Pruessmann, J. van den Brink, R. Lamerichs, D. Meier and P. Boesiger, University and ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands.
14:04 680. Highly Effective Outer Volume Suppression for Short TE Spin Echo Spectroscopic Imaging using Echo Dephasing, S. Wiese and S. Posse, Research Center Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany.
14:08 681. An Interleaved Reference Scan (IRS - CSI) Acquisition Strategy for Compensation of Phase Errors and B0 Frequency Shifts in Chemical Shift Imaging, T. Thiel and J. Hennig, University of Freiburg, Germany.
14:12 682. A Reconstruction Strategy for Echo Planar Spectroscopy, L.G. Hanson, K. Schaumburg and O.B. Paulson, Hvidovre Hospital and University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
14:16 683. Fast MR Thermometry Utilizing the Pr-MOE-DO3A Complex and 3D Echo Planar Spectrosocpic Imaging, M. Hentschel, W. Dreher, W. Wlodarczyk, P. Wust, D. Leibfritz and R. Felix, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany and Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
14:20 684. Single-Shot, Localized, High-Resolution in vivo 13C NMR Spectroscopy of Rat Brain, I-Y. Choi, I. Tkac and R. Gruetter, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
14:24 685. Chemical Shift Selected 19F-MRI of 5-FU in Mice: Detection of 5-Fluorouracil in Small Intestine by CSI, H. Kuribayashi, Y. Doi and Y. Kanazawa, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan and Nihon Medi-physics Co., Ltd., Chiba, Japan.
14:28 686. ISIS-Localized 15N and 1H-15N HMQC NMR of Rat Brain in vivo, K. Kanamori and B.D. Ross, Huntington Medical Research Institutes, Pasadena, CA, USA.
14:32 687. Constructive Averaging Increases SNR of Creatine MRS in the Presence of Motion, P.A. Bottomley, R.F. Lee and R.G. Weiss, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

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