OCTOBER 2013 • Vol. 2, Issue 4


Julie Strandt-Peay, B.S.M., R.T., (R)(MR), FSMRT
Signals Editor

“The future of the SMRT is determined by the leaders selected from the membership.”

Welcome to E-Signals, the electronic newsletter sent quarterly to the membership and those who support the efforts of the SMRT. E-Signals is produced by the volunteer SMRT Newsletter Committee with the support and assistance of Jennifer Olson, Associate Executive Director, Mary Keydash, Publications Director, Linda O-Brown, SMRT Coordinator, Sally Moran, Director of Electronic Communications and the entire staff in the Berkeley, California, USA office of the ISMRM and SMRT.

In this issue educational opportunities, business of the society and MR Safety are discussed. We begin learning about educational opportunities from President Ben Kennedy as he describes the educational opportunities presented by the SMRT. Plans for the 2014 Annual Meeting are well underway and you are invited to participate by Program Chair Rhonda Walcarius and Education Chair Sheryl Foster, Joint Forum Co-Chair, Jim Stuppino explains the topic that will be addressed in Milan. Anne Marie Sawyer continues her gargantuan efforts in producing Home Study materials that have evolved much since the original quarterly pieces. The Home Studies and video continuing education materials are available online as a member benefit and in limited form for non-members. Updates of educational activities are posted on the SMRT website as pointed out by Kendra Huber, Chair of Regional and Local Chapters. Use social media to keep current with the actions and happenings of the SMRT.

Wearing multiple hats Vera Kimbrell files her reports. For the first time the ISMRM has invited the SMRT to partake in the Outreach Program. As SMRT Safety Officer, Vera relates her experience in Cartagena, Columbia. Serving as Past-President and Chair of the Nominations Committee she requests that all SMRT members in good standing vote for the candidates of their choice. The future of the SMRT is determined by the leaders selected from the membership.

We welcome back MR Safety expert, Frank Shellock who shares interesting information for the MR Technologist/Radiographer.

As always your comments and suggestions as to topics and content are welcome.

Happy Reading!