ISMRM Workshops: Learn, Share Research & Network

ISMRM Workshop on

Ultra-High Field MR

19-22 March 2022

Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal

Guidelines for Presenters

Presentation Requirements by Type

Jump to Slide Presentation Guidelines
Jump to Poster Guidelines

Oral Presentation

All oral presentations, both in-person and online, will be given live. The assigned duration is 10 minutes maximum (8-min talk + 2 min Q&A). Online presenters will need to send their slides in advance.

Poster Presentation

Posters presented in person will be printed posters (maximum size 36”x36”). In addition, submit either a pdf of the poster or a PowerPoint (max 10 slides, no recording) for the online poster session. Online poster presenters can choose between sending either a pdf version of the poster or a PowerPoint (max 10 slides, no recording).

Power Pitch & Poster Presentation

You are asked to give a pitch talk with a maximum duration of strictly 2 minutes as well as present a poster (see above). In-person pitches will be given live and can be uploaded on site. Online power pitches have to be uploaded as recorded presentations sent together with the posters by 1 March.

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Slide Presentation Guidelines

Jump to Poster Guidelines

Speakers must bring their presentation directly to the meeting room on one of the following media:

Downloadable PowerPoint
Declaration Slides
for Oral Presentations

Accreditation Council rules require every oral presentation begin with the speaker making a disclosure of relevant financial interests or relationships. This disclosure must be done both via a slide and orally, and will be in addition to the published disclosures. Template PowerPoint slides are provided here:

Presentation Computers and Software Provided:

Loading Your Presentation On-Site:

Showing Your Presentation:

Preferred Presentation Formatting:

ISMRM Policy Regarding Presentation Slides

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Traditional Poster Guidelines

A traditional poster presentation combines a visual display on a poster board of the highlights of research with a question-and-answer opportunity. You will be assigned a time period during which you should be present at your poster for discussion and questions. In addition, the poster will be available for viewing by attendees during all hours the workshop is open.

A PDF of your poster will be archived on the workshop website. Instructions for archiving your PDF will be provided.


Each presenter is assigned a square space with maximum dimensions of 36 inches (91.44 cm) wide by 36 inches (91.44 cm) high. Posters exceeding these measurements (i.e., extending into areas reserved for other posters) may be removed.

Posters will be attached to their spaces with either tape or push-pins, which will be provided at the workshop.

Suggestions for Preparing Scientific Posters



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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.