Last updated Thursday, 04 September 2008
Friday November 10th
15:00-19:00 Registration and Poster Setup
18:00 Reception
19:15 Dinner

Saturday November 11th

07:00 Registration and Poster Setup
07:00 Breakfast

Session 1:     The Role of MRS in the Clinic, Chair:  Andrew Maudsley, Ph.D.

08:30 Welcome
08:40 “Biochemistry for in vivo MRS”
Ognen Petroff, M.D., Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
09:20 “Translational Research Initiatives for MRS of Cancer”
Mike Garwood, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA


“31P MRS of the Heart”
Paul Bottomley, Ph.D.,  John’s Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA


“Predicting Treatment Response for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma - A Multi-institutional MRS Study”
Fernando Arias-Mendoza, M.D., Ph.D., Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

10:30 Break


Session 2:     Spectral Analysis and Quantitation,  Chair: Mike Garwood, Ph.D.

10:50 "jMRUI Quantitation Methods & Application to MRS, MRSI & HRMAS-NMR"
Danielle Graveron-Demilly,  Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
11:30 "Error Estimation - Role of CRB's in a Semiparametric Context"
Dirk van Ormondt, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

“Spectral Analysis Using LCModel”
Pierre-Gilles Henry, Ph.D.,  University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

12:30 Adjournment
13:00 Lunch


Session 3:     Spectral Analysis and Quantitation,  Chair:  Roland Kreis, Ph.D.

14:15 “MRS Quantitation Methods”
Peter Barker, D. Phil., John’s Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
14:55 Proffered paper - “Constrained Recursive Adaptive Hankel Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm for MRS Data Processing”
X. Wang, J-H. Lee,  University of Cincinnati, OH
15:15 Proffered paper - “Tissue Specific Signal Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis using bootstrapping of Short Echo-time 1H 3DMRSI at 3T
H. Ratiney, D. Pelletier, University of California, San Francisco, CA
15:35 Proffered paper -  “Polynomial Fitting Adapted Volumetric Metabolite Image Reconstruction”
Y. Bao, A.A. Maudsley, University of Miami School of Medicine, FL
15:55 Break


Session 4:     Spectral Analysis Challenge and Poster Viewing,  Chair: Truman Brown, Ph.D.

16:15 - 17:45 Using a poster presentation format this session will present results from several groups for analysis of several in vivo spectra. The selected spectra will be made available by the workshop organizers and will consist of multinuclear spectra, obtained with different parameters and of differing quality. It is anticipated that the presentations will demonstrate flexibility and performance of different spectral fitting algorithms. (For information on contributing sample data or participation, please contact Truman Brown).
19:15 Dinner

Sunday November 12th

07:00 Registration and Poster Setup
07:00 Breakfast

Session 5:     Multi-Dimensional MRS AnalysisChair: Peter Barker, D. Phil.

08:00 “Multivariate Analysis of Spectra”
Truman Brown, Ph.D.,  Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
08:40 “Integrated Data Acquisition and Processing”
Roland Kreis, Ph.D., University of Bern, Switzerland
09:20 “Analyzing Spatial Data”

Hoby Hetherington, Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

09:50 Proffered paper - “Measurements of T2 of J-coupled Metabolites in the Human Brain”
DK Deelchand, M Marjanska, K Ugurbil, PG Henry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
10:10 Proffered paper - “PCNSA for NMR Spectroscopy Breast Tissue Classification”
M.T. Wenzel, B. Merkel, M. Althaus, H-O. Peitgen, MeVis Research GmbH, Bremen, Germany
10:30 Break


Session 6:     Data Processing Methods for MRSI,  Chair: Hoby Hetherington, Ph.D.

10:50 “Water Referencing for MRSI”
Dan Spielman, Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
11:30 “Increased Efficiency in MRSI Combining PEPSI and Parallel Imaging”
Stefan Posse, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
12:10 Proffered paper - Applications of Water Reference Data Acquisition in 1H MRSI”
C. Domenig, A.A. Maudsley, University of Miami, Miami, FL
12:30 Adjournment
13:00 Lunch


Session 7:      MRSI Classification and Interpretation,  Chair: Dan Spielman, Ph.D.

14:15 “Brain Metabolite Mapping in Whole Brain”
Andrew Maudsley, Ph.D.,  University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
14:55 “Tissue Classification Methods for MRI and MRSI”
Patrick Krooshof, M.D.,  Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
15:25 Proffered paper - “MRI and MRSI based multiclass LS-SVM classification using class probabilities and feature selection”
J. Luts¹, A. Heerschap², J.A.K. Suykens¹, S. Van Huffel¹, ¹Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and ²University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
15:45 Proffered paper - “Towards an Automatic Identification of Tumor Regions in in vivo MR Spectroscopy Data from the Prostate” - not available
E. Weiland1, T. Scheenen2, S. Roell1, J. Futterer2, P. van Hecke3, M. Lemort4, P Bachert5, H-P. Schlemmer6, J. Lu7, D. Broome8, G. Villeirs9, J. Barentsz2, A. Heerschap2, 1Siemens Medical Solutions, Germany, 2Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands; 3Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; 4Jules Bordet Institute, Belgium; 5German Cancer Research Institute, Germany; 6University of Tuebingen, Germany; 7Shanghai Changhai Hospital, China; 8Loma Linda University, USA; 8University Hospital Ghent, Belgium
16:05 Break

Session 8:      “Practical Tips” Presentations and Poster Viewing,  Chair: Brian Soher, Ph.D.

  This oral session will be held in parallel with a poster session. The presentations will review practical topics of interest to users of specific MR instruments. Speakers will be asked to review manufacturer-specific implementation issues, including for example: best shimming methods; available MRS pulse sequences from the manufacturer; research pulse sequences available from other users; MRS processing tools on the instrument; how to get the data off the MR instrument; data formats and off-line processing options.
16:15 Bruker
Robin de Graaf, Ph.D.
16:40 GE
Dan Spielman, Ph.D.
17:05 Phillips
Peter Barker, D. Phil.
17:30 Siemens
Stefan Posse, Ph.D.
17:55 Varian
Hoby Hetherington, Ph.D.
18:20 Adjournment
19:15 Dinner


Monday November 13th


07:00 Registration and Poster Setup
07:00 Breakfast


Session 9:      MRS Acquisition and Interpretation Considerations,  Chair: Stefan Posse, Ph.D.


“1H MRSI Reproducibility, Variability, and Interpretation”
Norbert Schuff, Ph.D., University of California San Francisco, CA, USA



“Approaches to Spectral Simplification”
Hoby Hetherington, Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA



Proffered paper - Automating “the other” evaluation of the MR spectrum – a pattern recognition approach in the classification of MRSI data quality”
B.H. Menze1,2, B.M. Kelm1, M-A. Weber3, P. Bachert2,3, F.A. Hamprecht1,2,
1,2University of Heidelberg, 3German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,


Proffered paper “Spectral Separation Resolves Partial Volume Effect of MRSI as Demonstrated on Brain Tumor Scans”
Y. Su1, S.B. Thakur2, K. Sasan2, S. Du3, P. Sajda3, W. Huang2, L.C. Parra1. 1The City College of the City University of New York; 2Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; 3Columbia University, New York, NY



"Frequency-Swept NMR"
Mike Garwood, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA


Session 10:    Nuts and Bolts of MRS Data Processing,  Chair: Dirk van Ormondt, Ph.D.


The New DICOM Standard and MRS”
David Clunie, M.D.,  Princeton Radiology Pharmaceutical Research, Princeton, NJ, USA



“Spectral Simulation: Applications in Spectral Acquisition and Analysis”
Brian Soher, Ph.D.,  Duke University, Durham, NC, USA



Proffered paper - “Correcting for Center Frequency Variations in MRSI Data Using the Unsuppressed or Partially-suppressed Water Signal”
L.P. Panych, J.R. Roebuck, N-K. Chen, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA


Proffered paper - “Processing of Chemical Shift Imaging Data of the Human Brain
on a 7T Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Scanner”

S. Sammet1, R.M. Koch1, J. Murdoch2, M.V. Knopp1, 1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH


Truman Brown, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York, NY, USA




13:00 Lunch


The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the  Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to
provide continuing medical education for physicians.