
Friday, 4 November
17:00-19:00 Registration and poster setup

Saturday, 5 November

07:30-08:30 Registration and coffee reception
08:30-08:40 Welcome and introduction Frank Shellock, PhD and Daniel J. Schaefer, PhD

SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION: Practical Information for Clinical and Experimental MRI - Session Chair: Alayar Kangarlu


MR Safety Issues for Very High Field (>3-T) MRI
Alayar Kangarlu, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

09:00-09:20 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and MRI
John A. Nyenhuis, Ph.D., Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
09:20-09:40 RF Power Deposition Issues for MRI
Daniel J. (Joe) Schaefer, Ph.D., General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA
09:40-10:00 Safety of MRI Contrast Agents
Val M. Runge, M.D., Scott and White Medical Center, Temple, Texas, USA
10:00-10:15 MRI and Pregnant Patients
Patrick M. Colletti, M.D., University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:15-10:30 Screening Patients and Other Individuals
Anne Sawyer-Glover, BS,RT(R)(MR) Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
10:30-10:45 BREAK, Coffee reception, visit vendor booths, poster viewing
10:45-11:15 Round Table Discussion by Presenters

Proffered Papers (10-min, 2-min discussion) - Moderator: Patrick M. Colletti

Neurobehavioral effects of exposure to the stray fields of a 7 Tesla clinical MRI scanner, Frank de Vocht
Calculated nerve rheobase values for peripheral nerve stimulation in head gradient coils, Blaine Chronik
Calculations of SAR for a body-size birdcage coil loaded with different human subjects, Wanzhan Liu
Scalar potential and conservative electric field within a loaded gradient coil, Weihua Mao
Occupational exposure to time varying magnetic gradient fields (dB/dt) in MRI and European limits, Donald McRobbie
Investigations on the helium spill in a MRI cabin, Matthias Gebhardt
12:15-13:20 BREAK, Lunch

SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION: Interventional MR Procedures: Applications and Safety Aspects
Session Chair: Joel P. Felmlee, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


Interventional MRI: Safety Issues for Interventional Focused Ultrasound
Joel P. Felmlee, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


Safety Issues for Interventional MRI: Considerations for Workers and Patients
Arno Bücker, M.D., MSc, Klinik für Radiologische Diagnostik Universitätsklinikum, Aachen, Germany


Interventional MRI: Safety Issues for Instruments, Devices, and Patient Support
Ergin Atalar, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA


Testing Interventional Devices for MRI Safety
Stephen G. Hushek, Ph.D., Norton Hospital, Louisville KY, USA

14:40-14:50 Round Table Discussion by Presenters
14:50-15:20 BREAK, Coffee reception, visit vendor booths, poster viewing

Proffered Papers (10-min, 2-min discussion) - Moderator: Stephen G. Hushek

Intracranial EEG in a High Field (3 Tesla) MRI environment : a safety study, Shannon Boucousis
Movement in stray fields of MR Magnets in relation to health effects, Hans Engels
Safety considerations in a single-room XMR facility, Derek Hill
Safety considerations for XMR guided neuro-interventional procedures, Alastair Martin
Monitoring and reducing resonant heating in MR guidewires, Ross Venook




Sunday, 6 November

08:00-08:30 Coffee reception

SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION: MRI Safety for Implants and Devices - Session Chair: Frank Shellock

08:30-08:50 MRI Safety For Implants and Devices: Update 2005
Frank G. Shellock, Ph.D., University of Southern California and, Institute for Magnetic Resonance , Safety, Education, and Research, Los Angeles, CA, USA
08:50-09:10 Cardiac Pacemakers and ICDs: Laboratory Experience
Roger Luechinger, Ph.D., Switzerland
09:10-09:30 Cardiac Pacemakers and ICDs: Clinical Experience
Edward T. Martin, MD, Oklahoma Heart Institute, Tulsa, OK, USA
09:30-09:50 Instruments and Devices for Anesthesia and Sedation
Keira Mason, M.D., Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
09:50-10:10 Neurostimulation Systems and MRI Safety
Kenneth B. Baker, M.D., Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
10:10-10:20 Round Table Discussion by Presenters
10:20-10:45 BREAK, Coffee reception, visit vendor booths, poster viewing
10:45-11:45 Proffered Papers (10-min, 2-min discussion) Moderator, John A. Nyenhuis
Influence of design geometry and placement configuration on MRI-induced heating of implanted leads, Jeffrey Helfer
Inductively coupled MR visualisation of intraluminal substrates of vascular implants, principles and safety aspects, Andreas Melzer
Determination of induced currents in an implanted lead with MRI, Sing-Min Park
A basic investigation of heating effects on total hip protheses in combination with a simulated skin contact of the inner thighs during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with an 1.5 Tesla MR system, Gregor Schaefers
Safety evaluation of vascular ports and stents in 3 tesla MRI scanners, Nikolaus Szeverenyi
11:45-13:00 BREAK, Lunch

SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION: MRI Safety Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations - Session Chair: TBD


IEC60601-2-33 Safety Standard for MR systems: Third Edition
Hans Engels, Ph.D., Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands

13:20-13:40 ASTM Standards for MRI: Present and Future
Terry O. Woods, Ph.D., Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, USA
13:40-14:00 The White Papers on MRI Safety From the American College of Radiology
Emanuel Kanal, M.D., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburg, PA, USA

MRI Safety and the Food and Drug Administration
Loren A. Zaremba, Ph.D., Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland, USA

14:20-14:30 Round Table Discussion by Presenters

BREAK, Coffee reception, visit vendor booths, poster viewing

15:00-15:20 Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for EMF Exposure:  Consequences for the MR Community
Hans Engels, Ph.D., Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands
15:20-15:30 Round Table Discussion by Presenters