ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 03-08 June 2023 • Toronto, ON, Canada

ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Weekday Course

Fetal & Pediatric Neuroimaging: Challenges & Opportunities

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Fetal & Pediatric Neuroimaging: Challenges & Opportunities
Weekday Course
ORGANIZERS: Dengrong Jiang, Sila Kurugol, Leon Janse van Rensburg
Wednesday, 07 June 2023
13:30 -  15:30
Moderators: Esra Abaci Turk & Serena Counsell
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Session Number: W-03
CME Credit

Session Number: W-03

There are both intrinsic challenges posed by the changing brain during development and challenges posed by the children, especially those younger than 6 years of age, who are frequently unable to follow instructions and remain stationary during an MRI exam.

Target Audience
MR scientists, engineers, and clinicians who want to learn about challenges and opportunities in pediatric imaging.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Recognize challenges and opportunities in pediatric and neonatal imaging;
- Identify approaches for motion compensation in pediatric imaging;
- Explain how brain changes in developing children; and
- Name new techniques in fetal imaging.

13:30   Imaging the Brain During Development Matthew Barkovich
14:00   Techniques to Image Uncooperative Children Onur Afacan

Keywords: Image acquisition: Motion correction, Cross-organ: Pediatric

The goal of this educational talk is to provide the participants with a better understanding of pediatric MRI scans. By the end of the session, attendees should have a clear understanding of current imaging practices for younger children, as well as novel techniques for measuring motion using external trackers and navigators. The session will also cover how real-time motion measurements can be used to improve the success rate of pediatric MRI scans. Finally, the pros and cons of prospective versus retrospective corrections will be discussed, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the options available for improving pediatric MRI scans.
14:30   New Techniques in Fetal and Neonatal Imaging Jana Hutter

Keywords: Cross-organ: Neonatal, Cross-organ: Antenatal, Image acquisition: Fast imaging

Exciting challenges in the field of fetal and neonatal imaging drive novel engineering and analysis solutions both for data acquisition and analysis. These include among others novel coils for dedicated fetal and neonatal use, the exploration of novel field strengths, both high and low, multi-modality imaging combining eg EEG and fMRI, novel MRI sequences combining multiple contrasts, a move towards whole uterus acquisitions combined with dedicated processing employing AI and SVR to achieve organ-specific information as well as a drive towards real-time information being employed for QA or to react to unpredictable fetal motion.
15:00   Quantifying the Energy Demands of the Developing Brain Peiying Liu

Keywords: Neuro: Brain

The brain is a big energy consumer and most of its energy is generated by oxidative metabolism. Cerebral oxidative metabolism is thought to play a particularly critical role in the development of the brain, due to the escalating energy demands for the complex structural and functional maturational processes in the developing brain, especially in early brain development. Therefore, quantitative assessment of cerebral oxygen metabolism in the neonate may provide a much-needed tool to understand brain development and injuries. In this presentation, we will introduce the non-invasive MRI methods that quantify cerebral oxygen metabolism in the developing brain.

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.