The John A. Koveleski Award for Professional Development

John Koveleski

The Education Committee and the Subcommittee for Professional Development invite MRI students and radiographers/technologists employed as MR technologists that have been practicing in MRI 3 years or less to submit abstracts for the John A. Koveleski Award. Qualification will be determined by a resume/CV submitted by the author; as well as a signed and dated letter on institution letterhead by the institution manager or senior staff.

The award recipient will receive a monetary award, a 3-year membership in the SMRT, and the honor of participating as a member of the SMRT Education Committee-Subcommittee for Professional Development for one year. In addition, the recipient will be invited to present their work at the annual meeting if possible. If the recipient is not able to attend the meeting, the abstract will be displayed as a poster during the annual meeting. The award-winning abstract will be published in the Annual Meeting syllabus materials and on the SMRT Website.

At the time John Koveleski was SMRT President in 2002 he was asked what he would like to see the SMRT accomplish in 2002 and in the future. John’s response was, “I’d like to see a continuation of international growth and also growth from the ‘grass roots’ technologists-those working in the trenches at outpatient centers, etc., that represent well over 90% of the technologists employed in the field.” John recognized that each member played a role in the future success and growth of the SMRT, and as a result he played a vital role in the professional development of many technologists. One such technologist is Cindy Hipps who commented, “John Koveleski was my colleague first but fast became my friend because of his warm smile, professional demeanor, and helpful attitude. John believed that all technologists had a contribution to make to our profession and he encouraged everyone to get involved in the SMRT. He was instrumental in my professional development and SMRT involvement and I will always cherish his memory.”

We hope many of you will begin sharing your ideas and discoveries early in your career as a first step in your professional development. Please consider this your personal invitation to contribute by submitting an abstract. For more information regarding the application and submission process for this award, please click here, or on the “Call for Papers” link on the JAK Award front page.

Sheryl Foster
Chair, Education Committee

Past Recipients of the John A. Koveleski Professional Development Award:
2015 Recipient
2013 Recipient
2012 Recipient
2011 Recipient

Submission for the JAK Award is through the SMRT Annual Meeting Submission Site, which is only open for a short time in the autumn. Check the next Annual Meeting’s web page for more information, when available.