ISMRM & ISMRT Virtual Meetings

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Our Next Virtual Meeting:

ISMRM Virtual Meeting

Environmental Sustainability & MRI

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Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Margaret Hall-Craggs, M.D. & Penny Hubbard Cristinacce, Ph.D.

The goal of this webinar is to discuss environmental sustainability in MRI including an introduction to planetary health and the broad environmental impact of medical imaging, provide an overview of specific and practical actions that can be implemented to improve sustainability in MRI including energy-saving actions and waste reduction, and highlight the role of artificial intelligence and technical innovation to promote sustainability in MRI. The session will include a panel discussion with all speakers with an opportunity for audience engagement and participation.

Practical Actions To Improve Sustainability in MRI: Energy & Beyond

Kate Hanneman, M.D.
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada

Role of Artificial Intelligence & Technical Innovations in MRI Sustainability

Meng Law, M.B.B.S.
Monash University
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Introduction to Planetary Health & the Environmental Impact of Medical Imaging

Heye, Tobias, M.D.
University of Basel
Basel, Switzerland

Future Virtual Meetings:

White Matter Study Group Virtual Meeting

Imaging Markers of White Matter Disease Pathology

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Kristin O'Grady, Ph.D. & Rebecca Samson, Ph.D.

This virtual meeting aims to enhance understanding of white matter pathology and its implications for diagnosis and treatment. Geert Jan Biessels, M.D., Ph.D., from University Medical Center Utrecht, offers a deep dive into advanced imaging techniques that go beyond traditional lesion counting. Klaus Schmierer, MBBS, Ph.D., FRCP, from the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, will address white matter imaging markers for multiple sclerosis, highlighting approaches including recent discoveries.

White Matter Injury in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: Beyond Counting Lesions

Geert Jan Biessels, M.D., Ph.D.
University Medical Center Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands

A Clinical Perspective on Multiple Sclerosis Pathology Detected Using MRI

Klaus Schmierer, MBBS, Ph.D., FRCP
Queen Mary University of London
London, England, UK

Perfusion Study Group Virtual Meeting

Perfusion MRI Techniques To Image Blood, Tissue & CSF Exchange

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Lena Vaclavu, Ph.D., Lirong Yan, Ph.D. & Li Zhao, Ph.D.

Recent breakthroughs in perfusion MRI research reveal a widespread distribution of tracers in the brain (including intravascular and freely diffusible tracers) extending beyond the bloodstream into the CSF. This has sparked interest into new questions looking at blood-CSF exchange and how we can measure and gain a better understanding of where various tracers end up and move around in the brain. What is the implication of being able to measure the movement of tracers beyond perfusion and what factors mediate this movement? Are perfusion MRI techniques and models sufficiently sensitive to detect and quantify blood CSF exchange? How do we validate them? This virtual meeting has a fundamental focus in which we invite three speakers to share the latest developments in perfusion methods for CSF detection as well as the next questions to address in this exciting field of research.

ASL-Based Imaging of Blood/CSF Exchange/Transport

Matthias J.P. van Osch, Ph.D.
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands

Intravenous Gadolinium-Based Imaging of Blood/CSF Exchange/Transport

Swati Rane Levendovszky, Ph.D.
University of Washington Medical Center
Seattle, WA, USA

CSF-Tissue Water Exchange by T2-Selective Saturation

David C. Alsop, Ph.D.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, MA, USA

ISMRM Ultra-High Field MR & ISMRT Joint Virtual Meeting

B0 Shimming at (U)HF; Why, What & How To Perform

Registration is FREE for members, US$25.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Vi Phan, R.T.(R)(CT)(MR) MRSO & Esther Steijvers-Peeters, B.A.(CV)

Ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, featuring field strength of 7 Tesla (T) and beyond, make it possible to see pathologies at a sub-millimeter resolution currently not detected with conventional MRIs (3T or less). However, using these systems at their full potential at the interface between research and clinic is not straightforward. Among the difficulties, large spatial inhomogeneities of the static magnetic field, causing image artifacts such as distortions and signal loss, limit clinical interpretation. Adding to this complexity, these inhomogeneities not only vary in space but also in time due to respiration [1] causing additional artifacts in the images. It should also be noted that this last limitation not only concerns 7T MRI, but also conventional MRI (3T or less) when acquisitions are made in regions most sensitive to these artefacts, such as the spinal cord or the heart. In this talk, we will look at the causes and effects of these susceptibility artifacts and discuss software and hardware strategies to mitigate them. In particular, we will look at a recent framework to compensate field inhomogeneities in real-time using hybrid coil technologies (AC/DC) [2, 3].


Why Isn't My 7T Scanner Showing 7T Everywhere & Why Is That a Problem? Real-time Shimming with Hybrid AC/DC Coil Technology

Julien Cohen-Adad, Ph.D.
NeuroPoly Lab, Polytechnique Montreal
Montreal, QC, Canada

Hands on with Shimming Toolbox

Alexandre D’Astous
NeuroPoly Lab, Polytechnique Montreal
Montreal, QC, Canada

Molecular & Cellular Imaging Study Group Virtual Meeting

Molecular & Cellular Imaging Study Group Annual Virtual Meeting

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Fanny Chapelin, Ph.D., Ulrich Flögel, Ph.D., Marta Vuozzo, M.Sc. & Iris Zhou, Ph.D.

Our annual MCI virtual meeting will feature an invited speaker followed by four trainee talks on of imaging inflammation.

Monitoring of Inflammation with Advanced MRI: Utilizing Insects as Alternative Models

Anton G. Windfelder, Ph.D.
Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Germany

Imaging Tumor Extracellular pH Using PET/MRI Co-Agents

Chetan Dhakan, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI, USA

Unveiling the Hidden Progression of Liver Disease Through Non-Invasive Imaging

Kimia Samadikhah, M.Sc.
Eberhard Karls University
Tübingen, Germany

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Macrophage Response to Radiation Therapy

Harrison Yang
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY, USA

ISMRM MR Safety Study Group Virtual Meeting

Bridging Gaps in MR Safety Research: A Multi-Society Dialogue

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderator: Kyoko Fujimoto, Ph.D.

This virtual meeting will take on a unique format unlike the traditional approach of a scientific presentation followed by Q&A or a panel. Instead, we will invite leaders from key scientific organizations that focus on MR safety, including the American College of Radiology (ACR), the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), the ISMRM Safety Committee, and the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR). The session will feature a panel discussion to deeply explore the gaps in MR safety research needs, following brief overviews of each society’s focus areas and a review of the recent survey results led by the MR Safety Study Group.

MR Safety Efforts from the ISMRM Safety Committee

Emre Kopanoglu, Ph.D.
Cardiff University
Cardiff, Wales, UK

MR Safety Efforts from the Magnetic Resonance Subcommittee of AAPM

Trevor Andrews, Ph.D., DABMP, MRSE (MRSCTM)
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO, USA

MR Safety Effort from the SPR Quality & Safety Committee

Unni Udayasankar, M.D., FACR
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ, USA

MR Safety Effort from the ACR MR Safety Committee

Michael N. Hoff, Ph.D., DABR
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA, USA

MR in Psychiatry Study Group Virtual Meeting

Designing an MRI Study in the Field of Psychiatry

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Daphne Boucherie, M.Sc., Marilena DeMayo, Ph.D. & Antonia Kaiser, Ph.D.

Join us for a focused symposium on the fundamental and advanced aspects of clinical/applied study design in the field of MR in psychiatry. This event will feature two presentations covering key elements required to develop scientifically rigorous and ethically sound clinical/applied research in psychiatry.

The first session will cover the critical steps in designing an applied study, including population selection, sample size determination, MRI protocol setup, sequence selection, and establishing primary and secondary outcome measures. The talk will also address ethical considerations and strategies for study pre-registration.

The second session will focus on the challenges encountered in applied/clinical research design, including longitudinal vs. cross-sectional studies, statistical methodologies, randomization techniques, and handling bias and missing data. The session will conclude with guidance on selecting appropriate journals for publication.

This symposium will provide valuable insights for researchers looking to enhance the rigor and integrity of their clinical study designs and will provide an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Designing a Comprehensive Study Protocol

Anouk Schrantee, Ph.D.
Amsterdam UMC
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Addressing Challenges in Study Design & Statistical Analysis

Jessica Wisnowski, Ph.D.
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Cardiac MR Study Group Virtual Meeting

Highlights in Cardiovascular MRI 2024

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Adrienne Campbell-Washburn, Ph.D., Anthony Christodoulou, Ph.D., Claudia Prieto, Ph.D. & Sebastian Weingärtner, Ph.D.

Cardiac MRI has seen remarkable advancements with ongoing innovation in clinical applications and technical developments. Recent efforts have focused on improving the speed and robustness of imaging through accelerated acquisitions, deep learning-based reconstructions and AI-powered workflows, low-field MRI solutions, as well as novel contrast-enhanced and non-contrast-enhanced imaging techniques, among many others. Clinically, cardiac MRI is expanding its impact, particularly in the fields of heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and congenital conditions. This virtual meeting will explore the latest breakthroughs and future directions in cardiac MRI, fostering discussion on how these innovations are shaping the future of cardiac MRI.

Clinical Highlights in Cardiovascular MRI 2024

Tim Leiner, M.D., Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN, USA

Technical Highlights in Cardiovascular MRI 2024

Daniel Ennis, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA

Brain Function Study Group Virtual Meeting

Multimodal Imaging of Functional Brain Networks with Pharmacological fMRI

Registration is FREE for members, US$50.00 for non-members.

Moderators: Jean Chen, Ph.D., Audrey Fan, Ph.D. & Renzo Huber, Ph.D.

This virtual meeting will explore the latest advancements in how functional brain networks can be studied using pharmacological fMRI approaches. The event will feature two speakers who will discuss cutting-edge methodologies and applications that integrate molecular, functional, and dynamic aspects of brain activity.

The first presentation will delve into cortical dynamics and connectivity across multiple scales and modalities in various states of altered consciousness. The speaker will discuss their research on brain connectivity during anesthesia, sleep, and disorders of consciousness, as well as under the influence of psychedelics such as LSD. By integrating data from different imaging modalities, including fMRI, with information theory, network science, and whole-brain computational modeling, the presentation will explore how brain networks reconfigure and adapt across different states, offering a comprehensive view of the underlying mechanisms that govern conscious and unconscious states.

The second presentation will mainly focus on the Receptor-Enriched Analysis of Functional Connectivity by Targets (REACT) method. REACT is a molecular-informed functional imaging approach that enhances traditional resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) analyses by incorporating data on the distribution and density of neuroreceptors throughout the brain. This method enables researchers to investigate how pharmacological interventions and drugs impact functional connectivity (FC) by linking receptor distribution to changes in brain networks. For instance, REACT has been used to study the effects of MDMA on serotonin circuits, methylphenidate (MPH) on dopaminergic and noradrenergic circuits, and propofol on GABAergic transmission and consciousness. Through these examples, the speaker will demonstrate how this approach can provide valuable insights into the neurochemical underpinnings of different functional states.

This meeting will be an excellent opportunity for researchers and clinicians interested in multimodal neuroimaging, pharmacology, and consciousness studies to gain insights into innovative approaches that bridge molecular, functional, and dynamic aspects of brain research.

Mapping Pharmacological Effects on Brain Connectivity Using fMRI

Andrea Luppi, Ph.D.
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, England, UK

Molecular Meets Functional: Crafting the Next Wave of Resting-State fMRI Biomarkers for Brain Health

Ottavia Dipasquale, Ph.D.
Olea Medical
La Ciotat, France

Check back frequently for more details and meeting announcements.

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The ISMRM is committed to providing opportunities for its members to connect, engage and develop. As an ISMRM member, you have access to:

Study Group Virtual Meetings:
A platform for our 34 study groups, established to foster interaction among members with a common interest in topical and active areas of MR. Topics for discussion come from the study groups with discussion and debate promoted by expert moderators, with contributions from the virtual audience. Registration is open to all ISMRM & ISMRT members, with priority given to members of the respective Study Group.

Journal Club Virtual Meetings:
A platform for a dynamic, international, cross-cutting journal club moderated by experts in the field. The papers for discussion come from the Society’s two journals with live access to the authors. Discussion and debate are promoted by expert moderators, with contributions from the virtual audience. Registration is open to all ISMRM & ISMRT members.