ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition - Guidelines for Presenters

Quick Details

Speaker Upload Site

Attention First Authors:
Speaker upload site is now open.

Login emails were sent on 10 July. Please check your spam folder. If you have not received your login information, please email

Your presentation must be uploaded via the upload site; We do not accept presentations via email.

Do Not Wait 'Til the Deadline!!
The server will be overloaded if too many people upload at the last minute.

Upload Site Closes:
See EXTENDED deadlines on presentation tabs.

No online submissions will be accepted after the deadline dates.

Video File Requirements

All videos MUST conform to the following requirements:

  • Resolution: 1280x720 (720p)
    • "Internet Quality" in PowerPoint
  • Format: .MP4 (H.264 codec)
  • Max file size: 325MB

No other video formats will be accepted.

Digital Poster presenters have the option to submit a PDF file instead of a video. See the "Digital Posters" tab for more details.


Why can’t I use other video formats such as .mov or .wmv?
The H.264 MP4 format is compatible with all major web browsers and digital devices, and both PowerPoint and Keynote can output video files in the format. Using a single format for all presentations will ensure participants will be able to view all presentations with ease.

Why are only Digital Poster presenters allowed to submit PDFs?
Digital Posters are an evolution of traditional (printed) posters, and thus should be able to stand on their own as a static document. PDF is an option for digital posters ONLY, should a presenter choose not to produce a video. Other types of presentations can only submit videos.