These guidelines set forth (1) the minimum qualifications that the Awards and Nominations Committee of the Policy Board (the “Committee”) of the Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (“SMRT”) believes are important for members to possess, and (2) a description of the Committee’s process for identifying and evaluating nominees for the office of President-Elect. These guidelines are only guidelines and may be waived and/or changed by the Committee and/or the Policy Board as appropriate.

1. Candidate Qualifications

In seeking individuals to serve as the President-Elect on the Policy Board, the Committee considers the following to be minimum qualifications that a candidate must possess:

  • Long and active history of involvement with the SMRT
  • Strong and productive work as a Policy Board Committee Chair
  • Demonstrated breadth and depth of management and leadership experience, on both the SMRT Policy Board and other organizations;
  • Financial and/or business acumen or relevant industry or scientific experience;
  • Integrity and high ethical standards;
  • Sufficient time to devote to SMRT’s business as President-Elect and future President;
  • Ability to oversee SMRT business and affairs for the benefit of SMRT members;
  • Ability to comply with the Board’s Code of Conduct; and
  • Demonstrated ability to think independently and work collaboratively.

In addition, the Committee may consider the following where necessary and appropriate:

  • Maintaining a Board that reflects diversity; and
  • The Board’s overall size, structure and composition.

2. Candidate Identification and Evaluation Process

  1. For purposes of identifying nominees for the President-Elect, the Committee relies on professional contacts of the candidate, Committee members themselves, members of the Policy Board and the membership at large.
  2. In evaluating potential candidates, the Committee will determine whether the candidate is qualified for service as the President-Elect by evaluating the candidate under the guidelines set forth above and by determining if any individual candidate suits the Committee’s and SMRT’s overall objectives at the time the candidate is being evaluated.


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