By Martin Sherriff, B.App.Sc., R.T. (MR), 2019 Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair

Bonjour, Hi

Another month down and 9 more to go…

For those that missed going to Paris, you have another opportunity to see the “Best of the Annual Meeting” highlights. The SMRT will rebroadcast select sessions on Saturday, September 22.  Check out the program then reserve your spot. There were many excellent presentations, as confirmed from the reviews by attendees… alas though, the rebroadcast will not include a trip down the Seine.

One of the most beneficial aspects of   attending the SMRT Annual meeting is hearing and reading the brilliance and innovation of the Radiographers and Technologists from throughout the world.  In Paris there were 72 abstracts submitted.  Although the abstract submission deadline for the 2019 Annual Meeting is November 7, 2018 which seems like a long ways away… time does indeed fly by.  Now’s the time to start thinking about putting some ‘pen to paper’.

If you’ve got an interesting or novel idea, developed or were involved in the development of an imaging technique/process or imaged a cool case… writing an abstract is not only a great educational opportunity, but being able to share your knowledge and experience with other Radiographers and Technologists is also very rewarding.

For those with do not have any experience or have trouble writing, the SMRT can help with information and tips on ‘How to Write an Abstract’.  The SMRT also offers a Mentorship Program for those who need more personalized assistance.  Click here for more details.

Some interesting facts about Montreal:

  • Montreal is North America’s number one host city for international events.
  • It’s the largest French speaking city outside of Paris
  • Montreal is actually an island
  • Montreal has its own ‘Underground city’ with 32km of tunnels spread over 12km² that connects museums, universities, hotels, apartments, bus, train and Metro stations

There are many other cool facts about Montreal but you’ll have to make the journey yourself to discover more.

I, and the Program Committee, look forward to seeing many old and new friends in Montreal.

Merci and Au Revoir,
