2022 ISMRT President’s Challenge

14 February – 20 March 2022

Are you up for a challenge? Then why not join us by participating in this month-long event bringing world-class MR education to your local area? The call for an “Expression of Interest” to host an ISMRT President’s Challenge Event is NOW OPEN!

So, what is The Challenge? As a member of the ISMRT, you register to host an event, choose a package, and organize a 1-hour meeting with your colleagues. We have done all the upfront work of creating several different packages that you can choose from to host your event. It’s that simple.

Can this event be hosted virtually, or does it have to be in-person? The choice is yours. We understand that not everyone will be able to host an in-person event due to current restrictions. If you have a way to host a virtual event (such as having your own personal Zoom, AdobeConnect, etc., account), you can participate. We only ask that you limit attendees to those in your local area. (Please note that if you do hold a meeting virtually, you will be expected to confirm each person’s attendance at the beginning, middle, and end of the meeting in order to provide CE or CPD).

This is a great way to highlight the advantages of being an ISMRT member and to convey to others, the importance of MR education for radiographers and technologists. This is also a chance for you to share knowledge with your colleagues by offering them free CE/CPD. A win-win!

Sign up today as the challenge starts soon. Organize your event, spread the word, and have fun networking and presenting an MR education topic with your colleagues.

ISMRT President’s Challenge
Event Host Application

Educational Package Options

Click the package titles below to view more details about each package, including presentations, organizers and more.

Presentation 1:

Six Things You Never Knew About MRI Safety
Donald McRobbie Ph.D.

Presentation 2:

Implementing E-Learning MR Safety Training
Paula Ciccozzi, B.Appl.Sc. [MR]

Course Organiser:

Anne-Dorte Blankholm, ISMRT President 2021-2022

Course Summary:

The first presentation is given by Donald McRobbie, Ph.D., adjunct associate professor at the School of Medical Physical Sciences at the University of Adelaide in Australia. Dr. McRobbie is the author of the book Essentials of MRI Safety and a co-author of MRI from Picture to Proton.

The presentation gives an in-depth insight in some areas of MR safety.

Upon completion of this section of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the effect of magnetic susceptibility of metals on MRI safety;
  • Review metals that are the most problematic for MRI heating;
  • Describe the extent of RF (B1) transmission;
  • Discuss the risks of MRI exams during pregnancy;
  • Review the biomedical implants that are the most dangerous undergoing MRI exams; and
  • Outline the risks involved with cochlear implants.

The second presentation is given by Paula Ciccozzi, B.Appl.Sc.(MR), from Women’s & Children’s Hospital in North Adelaide, Australia.

This presentation gives knowledge about how to create a MR safety culture by using e-learning. It covers:

  • Goals of MR safety education;
  • Challenges encountered giving MR lectures to staff;
  • Reasons and benefits for transmission to e-learning;
  • Process in the development of the material;
  • Learning objectives; and
  • Challenges and feedback.

Presentation 1:

Neonatal Brain MRI: Why the Technique Parameters Differ from Adults
Jorge Humberto Davila Acosta, M.D.

Presentation 2:

Location, Location, Location: The Fourth Ventricular Tumors in Children
Charles A. Raybaud, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPC

Course Organiser:

Nancy Beluk, ISMRT Past-President & Education Lead

Course Summary:

These two presentations were chosen to build off the 2021 President’s Challenge, which provided in-depth information on day-to-day operations within a paediatric facility and how to succeed in acquiring MR images on our younger population. Drs. Davila Acosta’s and Raybaud’s presentations take this one step further by providing guidance to radiographers and technologists on what to look for and what techniques are best suited for scanning paediatric patients.

Presentation 1:

Brain Microvascular Injury on MRI
Kevin King, M.D., MSCS

Presentation 2:

MR Imaging of Myelopathy
Pramit Phal, M.D.

Course Organiser:

Sony Boiteaux, ISMRT President-Elect

Course Summary:

Participants in the course Brain Microvascular Injury on MRI will understand what is meant by cerebral microvascular injury and how to identify it on standard CT & MR images. They will also come away with knowledge about the clinical significance of microvascular injury and learn about functional methods for assessing brain arterial function.

The course MR Imaging of Myelopathy defines myelopathy and the role of MRI in the evaluation of patients with myelopathy. Participants will understand the MRI protocols used to evaluate patients with myelopathy and recognize the appearance of common conditions that can result in myelopathy.

Presentation 1:

MR Urography
Bobby Kalb, M.D.

Presentation 2:

Rectal Cancer-Shifting Paradigms: Predicting Complete Pathologic Response & Facilitating Non-Operative Management
Marc Gollub, M.D.

Course Organiser:

Debra Patterson, ISMRT Governance Board & ISMRT Online Learning Committee Chair

Course Summary:

The following presentations were chosen to provide MRI radiographers/technologists with an overview of how MRI is used to examine/diagnose pathology of the urinary system and can provide alternatives to treatment of rectal cancer. Dr. Bobby Kalb has specialized in body imaging for over 20 years and discusses optimal protocols for MR urography. He also provides several case studies to assist in understanding how specific protocols can be used to identify pathologic findings. Dr. Marc Gollub is a diagnostic radiologist with over 25 years of experience and has served as an investigator on several national clinical trials on rectal cancer. In his presentation, he provides a historical overview of rectal cancer treatment and introduces a new approach to improve patient treatment and prognosis.

Presentation 1:

Image Quality
Catherine Moran, Ph.D.

Presentation 2:

MR Physics: Artefacts: Causes & Cures
Martin J. Graves, Ph.D.

Course Organiser:

Haidee Paterson, member of ISMRT Online Learning & ISMRT Membership Committees

Course Summary:

The following presentations were chosen to provide MRI radiographers/ technologists with an insight into factors that contribute to MR image quality. These two presentations are ideal for those who would like a greater understanding of what affects image quality and steps that can be taken to solve issues that degrade the MR image. They combine basic, practical knowledge along with a more in-depth look at artefacts, supported by physics explanations. Dr. Adrienne Campbell-Washburn has her Ph.D. in medical physics and is an Earl Stadtman Investigator, as well as the chief of the MRI Technology Program at the NHLBI. Her presentation is filled with practical content that can be translated into daily practice. Dr. Martin Graves is a Consultant Clinical Scientist at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust where he is head of MR Physics and Radiology IT. He received his Ph.D. in MRI from the University of Cambridge and has over 30 years of experience working in clinical and research MRI. His presentation expands on the previous talk and concentrates on the topic of artefacts. He explains causes and cures for a number of different artefacts encountered in MR scanning.

Presentation 1:

Musculoskeletal MR: Sequence Design & Optimization for MSK Imaging
Ben Kennedy, B.App.Sc., Mst [MRI]

Presentation 2:

Musculoskeletal MR: MRI Imaging in the Presence of Metal
Alissa J. Burge, M.D.

Course Organiser:

Lori Nugent, ISMRT Online Learning Committee member

Course Summary:

The following two musculoskeletal presentations provide medical imaging technologists and MRI radiographers with learning material related to improving MRI image quality for MSK procedures.

Ben Kennedy is a chief MRI technologist at Qscan Radiology Clinics in Australia. Mr. Kennedy holds a master’s degree in magnetic resonance technology; he is an adjunct lecturer at Griffith University Centre for Musculoskeletal Research and is involved in musculoskeletal imaging research programs affiliated through both the University of Queensland and Griffith University. In his presentation, he discusses sequence design and image optimization for MSK imaging.

Dr. Alissa Burg is a fellowship-trained, board-certified musculoskeletal radiologist specializing in magnetic resonance imaging and is currently the director of Fellowship Research in the Department of Radiology & Imaging at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. In her presentation, Dr. Burg discusses the use of MRI to assess musculoskeletal anatomy and pathology related to joint arthroplasty. Dr. Burg’s talk includes examples of parameter modifications and specialized MR sequences that reduce metal artifact and improve visualization of the area of clinical concern in the presence of metal.