A letter from the Program Chair
What to Expect:
Sessions & Available Presentation Types
Dear friends and colleagues,
I hope you are all busy acquiring and analyzing data to be submitted to the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition to be held in 2023!
I wanted to reach out to each one of you to give you a heads-up on what to expect from scientific sessions and what presentation modes will be available to you during the Annual Meeting Toronto 2023.
Oral presentations (OP): You will be in a dedicated room where you get six (6) minutes (yes we have reduced the time) to present your work. After 15 back-to-back talks, the audience will be able to interact with the authors. Are you thinking six minutes is too short? Why don’t you start your talk with a summary slide and then walk the audience through your methods and results? We are reducing the time to create space for more authors and because, with a little practice, six minutes or even less is enough to get your message out. Try it!
Power-pitch (PP): Our most popular abstract presentation format is not changing. Say what you did, why you did it and what results you obtained in just two minutes! As with the oral presentations, after 15 talks there will be a 30-minute discussion time where authors can connect with the audience and elaborate on their work.
Digital posters (DP): Many like it, some don’t, but digital posters are here to stay. Record your talk in six minutes or less and discuss your project in a digital (v)ideo poster. Hint: Make sure that each slide has the title of your abstract. If someone enters the discussion in the middle of your presentation, they will quickly understand which poster it is.
Traditional posters (TP): Really? What about global warming! ISMRM is all about sustainability. We are bringing traditional posters back as an experiment for two reasons. First, a third of you want them! Second, it is a cool way of visually navigating the abstracts as you sip your favorite drink. You can get more by just walking down the aisle and stopping by the abstract of your choice. Also, preparing a traditional poster is quite an art that should not be lost! Yes, but what about the impact on climate? Well, it’s up to us! Use recycled paper. Use cloth to print the posters and then recycle the cloth (some have successfully converted them into shoulder bags). And please DON’T LAMINATE your posters!
Educational exhibits (EE): These are traditional posters but with educational content. Both clinicians and scientists can teach each of us the what, how and why of MRI and its clinical applications. Need examples? Neuroanatomy for beginners; the physiology of the cardiovascular system; what is parallel imaging; how to write an R01 grant; step-by-step implementation of fMRI into clinical practice.
We will ask authors of ALL accepted abstracts to upload a 6-minute video, whatever format you are presenting onsite. PowerPoint slides will also be needed from authors with oral presentations and Power-pitches. Traditional posters and educational exhibits will get unique QR codes from the Central Office that should be printed on the posters. These codes will be linked to a downloadable link to your video.
I know you still have questions, but to avoid a longer email, I will stop here. Please wait for more information once we get closer to the Annual Meeting. Your priority right now is to write a killer abstract and get it accepted. If there are burning questions, please write to nivismrm@gmail.com or sally@ismrm.org.
Good luck and remember, the abstract deadline is 09 November 2022.
Nivedita (Niv)
Program Chair