Interested in getting more involved in ISMRM? Looking for opportunities to get your voice heard by senior leaders?
The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Task Force is looking for impassioned volunteers interested in advocating for inclusion to support our EDI Kiosk at the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Singapore! This opportunity will connect you to like-minded peers, provide an opportunity to discuss important topics surrounding inclusive practices with members, and give you a platform in the Exhibition Hall to share your ideas.
The expectations would be to spend 1-2 hours of your time at the annual meeting (out of the entire week) in the Exhibition Hall engaging with your fellow ISMRM members about what they would like to see at future meetings. You will be supported by the entire ISMRM EDI Task Force.
Interested in volunteering? Get in touch with the EDI Task Force: