The Bylaws for the Iberian Chapter of the ISMRM can be found here.
(i) To promote and encourage scientific research on magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics.
(ii) To promote and encourage the development of the applications of magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics.
(iii) To promote communication of information on magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics within the Portuguese and Spanish MR communities.
(iv) To support continuing education in the field of magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics.
(v) To perform charitable, public understanding and outreach functions with respect to magnetic resonance applications in medicine and biology and other related topics.
(vi) To provide information and advice on magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics to interested organisations from all sectors.
(vii) To lobby on aspects of public policy concerned with magnetic resonance in medicine and biology and other related topics.
(viii) To encourage scientists and clinicians working in magnetic resonance in Portugal or Spain to contribute to the field of magnetic resonance and to the ISMRM.
(ix) To improve employment and working conditions in the field of medical and biological applications of magnetic resonance.
(x) To provide information and advice on the field of magnetic resonance in medical and biological applications to people working in the public domain.
(xi) To cooperate with local, regional and national authorities as well as public or private organisations to achieve the above-mentioned aims.
The Chapter is governed by a Committee of not less than six and not more than twelve Full Members, two Postdoctoral Representatives (fulfilling the definition of ISMRM Trainee but not a Student Member) and one non-voting Student Representative (who must be a Student Member). All requirements for Chapter governance per the Iberian Chapter ISMRM bylaws will be met.
Committee Composition:
The Chair will be responsible for the efficient functioning of the Chapter. She/he shall chair all meetings of the Committee. The Chair shall maintain a list of the Chapter’s Members.
The Vice-Chair will normally assist the Chair in the discharge of his/her duties. He/she shall take over those responsibilities of the Chair when specifically requested by the Chair or on his/her absence.
The Secretary shall keep all records of the Chapter and of the Committee meetings, shall convene meetings, organise elections and monitor the organisation of the Annual ISMRM Iberian Meeting.
The Treasurer shall coordinate the raising of funds, hold any cash balances, authorise expenditure (subject to the instructions of the Chair), keep financial records, and submit them to the parent Society each year, or whenever required.
The Communications/Proceedings officer shall edit the bi-annual Newsletter and oversee updates to the webpages and social media channels. She/he will also be responsible for compiling and editing the Annual meeting proceedings.
The Annual Meeting Representative shall supervise and monitor the organisation of the Annual ISMRM Iberian Scientific meeting as well as other activities organised by the chapter, such as scientific seminars, workshops, educational programs on subjects related to ISMRM. He/she will be based in the country that is hosting the Annual Scientific meeting and will be the local contact for the organization of the meeting.
The Postdoctoral Representatives have to be members of the ISMRM Iberian Chapter and they shall assist in promoting the activities of the Chapter, including managing the Chapter website. In their first year of service, they will be members of the Organising Committee and in the second year advise the incoming Postdoctoral Representatives elected at the Annual ISMRM Iberian Scientific meeting.
The Student Representative shall assist in promoting the activities of the Chapter using social media, writing the bi-annual newsletter and organising social/networking activities for the Annual ISMRM Iberian Scientific meeting.
Full committee members shall serve for three years plus one year of transition, or longer if elected to an officer position. The Postdoctoral Representatives shall serve for two years only. The Student Representative shall serve for one year only. The Committee shall meet at least once each year and shall hold an Annual General Meeting of the Chapter at which it will report the year’s activities to the members.