Guidelines for Developing Learning Objectives

ISMRM and SMRT strive to raise the standards for continuing education and to achieve better outcomes by addressing identified gaps in knowledge, skills, and/or practices for the target audience. ISMRM and SMRT develop educational activities that are evidence‐based or based on the best‐available evidence. ISMRM and SMRT activities should have measurable educational . See Bloom’s Taxonomy for Additional Information regarding learning levels.

The following are some recommendations to assist you with development of learning objectives:

  1. Keep learning objectives simple.
  2. Start each learning objective with a single measurable action verb.
    • See below for a list of measurable verbs.
  3. Do not use compound verbs or compound direct objects; never use “and.”
  4. Do not use verbs that are vague or verbs that are not measurable.
  5. Develop content beyond basic knowledge.
  6. Design educational strategies to achieve learning levels “Application” or higher.
  7. Create interest by using a variety of verbs.

Words to Avoid:

These verbs and phrases are not measurable learning verbs and should never be used.

Be acquainted with
Be familiar with
Expand horizons
Grasp the significance of
Have an awareness of
Have faith in
Increase interest
Really know
Sympathize with
Think critically

Words to Use:

Level Sample verbs
KNOWLEDGE arrange, define, describe, duplicate identify, label, list, match memorize, name, order, outline recognize, relate, recall, repeat reproduce, select, state
COMPREHENSION explain, summarize, paraphrase, describe, illustrate, classify convert, defend, describe, discuss, distinguish, estimate, explain express, extend, generalized, give example(s), identify, indicate infer, locate, paraphrase, predict, Recognize rewrite, review, select, summarize, translate
APPLICATION use, compute, solve, demonstrate, apply, construct apply, change, choose, compute, demonstrate, discover, dramatize employ, illustrate, interpret, manipulate, modify, operate practice, predict, prepare, produce, relate, schedule show, sketch, solve, use, write
ANALYSIS analyze, categorize, compare, contrast, separate, apply change, discover, choose, compute, demonstrate, dramatize employ, illustrate, interpret, manipulate, modify, operate practice, predict, prepare, produce, relate, schedule show, sketch, solve, use, write
SYNTHESIS create, design, hypothesize, invent, develop, arrange, assemble categorize, collect, combine, comply, compose, construct, create design, develop, devise, explain, formulate, generate, plan prepare, rearrange, reconstruct, relate, reorganize, revise rewrite, set up, summarize, synthesize, tell, write
EVALUATION Judge, Recommend, Critique, Justify, Appraise, Argue Assess, Attach, Choose, Compare, Conclude, Contrast Defend, Describe, Discriminate, Estimate, Evaluate, Explain Judge, Justify, Interpret, Relate, Predict Rate, Select, Summarize, Support, Value