Volunteering Opportunities
with the ISMRT
An ongoing call for members who want to give back and support our society.
The ISMRT wants YOU.
Active volunteers are vital to every association. Our Society is run by member volunteers like you, organized into committees that are refreshed yearly at the Annual Meeting.
If you are interested in contributing to the ISMRT, please volunteer now. Put your energy and skills to work for your Society and the field you love; influence the future direction of the ISMRT and its work; apply and enhance your leadership skills; gain visibility in the field for yourself as well as your institution/organization.
Responses are accepted throughout the year. Committee appointments generally happen shortly after the Annual Meeting, but can happen any time the need arises.
In order to give everyone a chance to serve, we ask that you select up to three committees you are interested in serving on, in order of preference. We will make every effort to place you on your first choice of committee based on space available.
You must be a current ISMRT member to serve on a committee. If you are not currently a member, please join now.