Call for Nominations
for ISMRM Vice President-Elect & Board of Trustees

Nomination Submission Deadline:

For a complete listing of the current Board of Trustees, please click here.

The Nominating Committee of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine invites members of the Society to submit suggested nominations for the office of Vice President-Elect and for the four members of the Board of Trustees to be elected in 2023. These suggestions must be received by the deadline noted above at the Society’s Central Office. After this deadline, the Nominating Committee shall compile a list of not more than three nominees for each position on the ballot, including any nominees suggested by the Nominating Committee itself.

The nominees for the vacant positions will further be chosen to ensure the general balance in representation on the Board of Trustees of discipline and geographical distribution. This year, the nominees for the Office of Vice President-Elect will be scientists. Nominations by members independent of the Nominating Committee shall require a petition of fifty (50) Full Members in good standing of the Society and must be received by midnight PST on 31 December 2022, and shall include the written agreement of the proposed candidate for their nomination, state the office for which such candidate is nominated, and a brief biography (single paragraph).

The nomination and subsequent selection of appropriate individuals who are willing to commit time and energy to the ongoing governance of the Society is critical to its future health. The general membership is encouraged to help in this task.

Suggested nominations should be submitted via the form below.